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Octane Lighting Parts: High-Quality LED Lighting for Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats


An established brand with over 20 years in the market, Octane Lighting specializes in automotive, marine, motorcycle, home, and business lighting. The brand is committed to providing quality products that can withstand the test of time, as well as the usual wear-and-tear.

Octane Lighting Parts

Headquartered in Southern California in the United States, Octane Lighting is a known manufacturer of different automotive, motorcycle, marine, home, and business lighting products and accessories.

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Ethanol has a higher octane number than gasoline, providing premium blending properties. Minimum octane number requirements for gasoline prevent engine knocking and ensure drivability. Lower-octane gasoline is blended with 10% ethanol to attain the standard 87 octane.

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In this tutorial, Tim shares ten tips which explore basic lighting concepts and how we can implement these in our CG set ups. This tutorial was originally published in 2015 and the main renderer focused on was the Cinema 4D Physical Renderer. Since then, the landscape has changed considerably and we have many more render engines to choose from, they are generally faster and offer more features that Physical, which is now outdated.

We used a 3D scan of two bears, sculpted by Hanna Gärtner, which was downloaded from My Mini Factory website which is an amazing resource for scans from all around the world and these models are excellent for practising lighting and shading in 3D as well as for printing. We used two simple Redshift grey materials, one slightly rougher and darker for the floor and lighter grey material for the model. These materials are the same for each render, so that gives us a base for comparison

The preview scene is set to use cm for project scale, and the sculpture of the Bears, is 1.5 metres high. Using real world scale for your scenes will help with lighting as you can accurately size and position lights based on real objects. This will help calculations such as light falloff and shadows to be more physically correct.

Global Illumination and Radiosity are the terms used to describe the process of calculating indirect lighting. The following is a simplified explanation and not all renderers work the same, but hopefully this helps explain the general principle behind Global Illumination (GI).

In the images below you can see the difference that adding GI makes, from left to right we have Dome Light, Dome Light with GI, Area Light and Area Light with GI. Notice how the images appear slightly lighter, this is due to the additional bounces of light which are now illuminating parts of the model indirectly and is especially noticable between the legs of the bear.

The reason I included Dome lighting in a tip about Global Illumination, is because over the last few years (decade maybe), it has become increasingly popular to use the combination of High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI) with Dome Lights and Global Illumination as the sole light source for rendering. The advantage of this is that you have a quick and easy solution for lighting your scenes realistically with only a few clicks. You can cycle through your HDRI library until you find a look that appeals to you. Job done!

The type of illumination and the shadow a light produces will strongly influence the feeling of your shot. For a hot sunny day you would want the light to be bright, reflective and glaring, the shadow would be dark and hard with very little falloff. In sharp contrast to this, an overcast day would have soft lighting with very little specular and the shadows will be lighter with very soft edges.

To create these types of lighting effects in the real world, you could use big soft boxes or bounce the light onto huge sheets of polystyrene to create very diffuse lighting. You can also adopt these tricks in the 3D world and emulate traditional photographic lighting tricks by bouncing your lights off large surfaces to create a similar effect.

A common lighting technique is three point lighting, this uses a main light (key) for the primary illumination, a fill light to illuminate the darker areas, often finished off with the third light, a rim of light from behind to lift the subject away from the background.

The key / fill ratio is the balance between the intensity of the various lights dictating the overall contrast. If the key light is bright and fill lights are dull, the result is high contrast dramatic lighting such as the full sun of midday. If the illumination of all lights is more or less the same, the result is the opposite and the scene will look flatter, more like an overcast cloudy day.

The images below demonstrate a simple three point lighting setup, starting with just the Key Light, then adding in a Fill Light, finally a bright Rim Light behind. The problem with the Rim Light in this example, is that it also adds a lot of light to the floor behind the model which may not be desired.

A common lighting trick is to light in layers and have areas of dark move to light and then back to dark to light. This lifts the hero elements away from the background but also allows detail to be seen in the distance. Using include lists or light linking gives you the freedom to light your foreground and background objects independently.

As you add more lights to your project it can be difficult to really assess the influence each has on the scene. I like to solo my lights as I build my lighting, this means that I disable all the other lights in my scene and focus on each individual light to refine the illumination and the shadows being cast.

One of the advantages of CG lighting over practical is that you have complete control over every light. Lights create diffuse reflections, specular reflections, shadows and they also contribute to other render features such as GI and Sub-Surface Scattering.

These tips for lighting are just the beginning of your adventure. The journey through each and every project you take on will improve and enhance your lighting skills, this is something that you will constantly finesse for the duration of your career. Always learning more and improving. I hope this small collection of tips helps those of you new to this and inspires you to keep on rendering.

If you are interested in in depth lighting training then please check out learn. Pro Lighting with Cinema 4D and Redshift. This course will teach you fundamental principles for successfully lighting with Cinema 4D and Redshift. Mixing the artistic with the practical, this course covers technical aspects of digital lighting along with creative workflow. Starting with light fundamentals to set you on the right track, we quickly move on and explore multiple lighting setups in a variety of scenes.

The Nordic is equipped with dual gas tanks. This made it handy to test one myth that is commonly questioned. Will I gain any power by running premium fuel? We filled one tank with 87 octane the other with 93. Peak HP came in at 387.3. That is of a HP less than with 93 octane. Studying the dyno sheets shows the 87 test to be within 1-2 HP of the 93 octane across the board, which falls within the acceptable tolerance of repeatability. I think we can safely say there was no difference between the 2 type fuels on this engine.

24000. Wherever in this division the word "department" occurs, itmeans the Department of the California Highway Patrol.24001. This division and Division 13 (commencing at Section 29000),unless otherwise provided, applies to all vehicles whether publiclyor privately owned when upon the highways, including all authorizedemergency vehicles.24001.5. A golf cart as defined in Section 345 shall only besubject to the provisions of this division which are applicable to amotorcycle.24002. (a) It is unlawful to operate any vehicle or combination ofvehicles which is in an unsafe condition, or which is not safelyloaded, and which presents an immediate safety hazard. (b) It is unlawful to operate any vehicle or combination ofvehicles which is not equipped as provided in this code.24002.5. (a) No person may operate a farm labor vehicle that is ina condition that presents an immediate safety hazard or in violationof Section 24004 or 31402. (b) A violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by afine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and not more thanfive thousand dollars ($5,000), or both that fine and a sentence ofconfinement for not more than six months in the county jail. No partof any fine imposed under this section may be suspended. (c) As used in this section, an "immediate safety hazard" is anyequipment violation described in subdivision (a) of Section 31401 orSection 31405, including any violation of a regulation adoptedpursuant to those provisions. (d) Any member of the Department of the California Highway Patrolmay impound a farm labor vehicle operated in violation of thissection pursuant to Section 34506.4.24003. No vehicle shall be equipped with any lamp or illuminatingdevice not required or permitted in this code, nor shall any lamp orilluminating device be mounted inside a vehicle unless specificallypermitted by this code. This section does not apply to: (a) Interior lamps such as door, brake and instrument lamps, andmap, dash, and dome lamps designed and used for the purpose ofilluminating the interior of the vehicle. (b) Lamps needed in the operation or utilization of those vehiclesmentioned in Section 25801, or vehicles used by public utilities inthe repair or maintenance of their service, or used only for theillumination of cargo space of a vehicle while loading or unloading. (c) Warning lamps mounted inside an authorized emergency vehicleand meeting requirements established by the department.24004. No person shall operate any vehicle or combination ofvehicles after notice by a peace officer, as defined in Section 830.1or subdivision (a) of Section 830.2 of the Penal Code, that thevehicle is in an unsafe condition or is not equipped as required bythis code, except as may be necessary to return the vehicle orcombination of vehicles to the residence or place of business of theowner or driver or to a garage, until the vehicle and its equipmenthave been made to conform with the requirements of this code. The provisions of this section shall not apply to an employee whodoes not know that such notice has been issued, and in such event theprovisions of Section 40001 shall be applicable.24005. It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale,lease, install, or replace, either for himself or as the agent oremployee of another, or through such agent or employee, any glass,lighting equipment, signal devices, brakes, vacuum or pressure hose,muffler, exhaust, or any kind of equipment whatsoever for use, orwith knowledge that any such equipment is intended for eventual use,in any vehicle, that is not in conformity with this code orregulations made thereunder.24005.5. It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for salefor use on loads regulated by the department any type of syntheticfiber rope or webbing strap material unless it meets requirementsestablished by the department.24006. No person shall sell or offer for sale either separately oras a part of the equipment of a new motor vehicle any equipment ordevice subject to requirements established by the department unlessthe equipment or device bears thereon the trademark or name and typeor model designation under requirements established by the departmentand is accompanied by any printed instructions which may be requiredby the department as to the light source to be used with lamps, anyparticular methods of mounting or adjustment of lamps or otherdevices, and any other instructions as determined by the departmentnecessary for compliance with this code.24007. (a) (1) No dealer or person holding a retail seller's permitshall sell a new or used vehicle that is not in compliance with thiscode and departmental regulations adopted pursuant to this code,unless the vehicle is sold to another dealer, sold for the purpose ofbeing legally wrecked or dismantled, or sold exclusively foroff-highway use. (2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to any vehicle sold by either (A)a dismantler after being reported for dismantling pursuant toSection 11520 or (B) a salvage pool after obtaining a salvagecertificate pursuant to Section 11515 or a nonrepairable vehiclecertificate issued pursuant to Section 11515.2. (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the equipment requirements ofthis division do not apply to the sale of a leased vehicle by adealer to a lessee if the lessee is in possession of the vehicleimmediately prior to the time of the sale and the vehicle isregistered in this state. (b) (1) Except as provided in Section 24007.5, no person shallsell, or offer or deliver for sale, to the ultimate purchaser, or toany subsequent purchaser a new or used motor vehicle, as those termsare defined in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 39010) of Part 1 ofDivision 26 of the Health and Safety Code, subject to Part 5(commencing with Section 43000) of that Division 26 which is not incompliance with that part and the rules and regulations of the StateAir Resources Board, unless the vehicle is sold to a dealer or soldfor the purpose of being legally wrecked or dismantled. (2) Prior to or at the time of delivery for sale, the seller shallprovide the purchaser a valid certificate of compliance orcertificate of noncompliance, as appropriate, issued in accordancewith Section 44015 of the Health and Safety Code. (3) Paragraph (2) does not apply to any vehicle whose transfer ofownership and registration is described in subdivision (d) of Section4000.1. (4) Paragraphs (1) and (2) do not apply to any vehicle sold byeither (A) a dismantler after being reported for dismantling pursuantto Section 11520 or (B) a salvage pool after obtaining a salvagecertificate pursuant to Section 11515 or a nonrepairable vehiclecertificate issued pursuant to Section 11515.2. (c) (1) With each application for initial registration of a newmotor vehicle or transfer of registration of a motor vehicle subjectto Part 5 (commencing with Section 43000) of Division 26 of theHealth and Safety Code, a dealer, the purchaser, or his or herauthorized representative, shall transmit to the Department of MotorVehicles a valid certificate of compliance or noncompliance, asappropriate, issued in accordance with Section 44015 of the Healthand Safety Code. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision, withrespect to new vehicles certified pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencingwith Section 43100) of Part 5 of Division 26 of the Health and SafetyCode, a dealer may transmit, in lieu of a certificate of compliance,a statement, in a form and containing information deemed necessaryand appropriate by the Director of Motor Vehicles and the ExecutiveOfficer of the State Air Resources Board, to attest to the vehicle'scompliance with that chapter. The statement shall be certified underpenalty of perjury, and shall be signed by the dealer or the dealer's authorized representative. (3) Paragraph (1) does not apply to a transfer of ownership andregistration under any of the circumstances described in subdivision(d) of Section 4000.1.24007.1. (a) The manufacturer of equipment used in the assembly ofan authorized emergency vehicle, as defined in Section 165, used by alocal public fire service agency shall, upon request of the firedepartment, reimburse the agency for the cost of repairs to thevehicle if (1) the repair was made to correct a manufacturer'sdefect, and (2) the vehicle is placed on a safety-related recall tocorrect that defect. (b) A final stage equipment manufacturer is deemed to be anoriginal equipment manufacturer in the event of a warranty disputewith a local public fire service agency regarding the failure ofcomponent parts used in the assembly of the agency's authorizedemergency vehicle. As used in this section, "final stage equipmentmanufacturer" means the manufacturer who assembles the authorizedemergency vehicle from one or more components supplied by othermanufacturers. (c) The Legislature finds and declares that local public fireservice agencies of this state are entitled to safe and efficient useof their equipment, and that defects in emergency equipment,especially emergency vehicles, endanger the firefighters ofCalifornia and the public they serve. It is the intent of theLegislature to ensure that these defects are repaired asexpeditiously as possible and with no expense to the local publicfire service agencies.24007.2. If a dealer, or a person holding a retail seller's permit,sells to an elderly low-income person, as defined in Section39026.5 of the Health and Safety Code, a 1966 through 1970 model yearmotor vehicle which is not equipped, as required pursuant toSections 43654 and 43656 of that code, with a certified device tocontrol its exhaust emission of oxides of nitrogen, the dealer orsuch person, as the case may be, shall install the required certifieddevice on the motor vehicle without cost to the elderly low-incomeperson.24007.5. (a) (1) No auctioneer or public agency shall sell, atpublic auction, any vehicle specified in subdivision (a) of Section24007, which is not in compliance with this code. (2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to a vehicle that is sold underthe conditions specified in subdivision (c), (d), (e), or (g) or issold to a dealer or for the purpose of being wrecked or dismantled oris sold exclusively for off-highway use. (b) Except with respect to the sale of a vehicle specified inparagraph (2) of subdivision (a), the consignor of any vehicle,specified in subdivision (b) of Section 24007, sold at publicauction, shall provide the purchaser a valid certificate ofcompliance or certificate of noncompliance, as appropriate, issued inaccordance with Section 44015 of the Health and Safety Code. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, if, in theopinion of a public utility or public agency, the cost of repairs toa vehicle exceeds the value of the vehicle to the public utility orpublic agency, the public utility or public agency shall, astransferee or owner, surrender the certificates of registration,documents satisfactory to the Department of Motor Vehicles showingproof of ownership, and the license plates issued for the vehicle tothe Department of Motor Vehicles. As used in this section, "publicutility" means a public utility as described in Sections 218, 222,and 234 of the Public Utilities Code. (d) The public utility or public agency having complied withsubdivision (c) shall, upon sale of the vehicle, give to thepurchaser a bill of sale which includes, in addition to any otherrequired information, the last issued license plate number. (e) (1) Subdivisions (a) and (b) do not apply to any judicialsale, including, but not limited to, a bankruptcy sale, conductedpursuant to a writ of execution or order of court. (2) Subdivision (b) does not apply to any lien sale if thelienholder does both of the following: (A) Gives the notice required by subdivisions (a) and (b) ofSection 5900. (B) Notifies the buyer that California law requires that the buyerobtain a certificate of compliance or noncompliance and register thevehicle with the department, and that failure to comply will resultin a lien against any vehicle owned by the buyer pursuant to Section10876 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, enforceable pursuant toSection 10877 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and Article 6(commencing with Section 9800) of Chapter 6 of Division 3. Receiptof the notice required by this subparagraph shall be evidenced by thesignature of the buyer. (f) The exceptions in this section do not apply to anyrequirements for registration of a vehicle pursuant to Section4000.1, 4000.2, or 4000.3. (g) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (e), any publicagency or auctioneer which sells, at public auction, any vehiclespecified in subdivision (b) of Section 24007, which is registered toa public agency or a public utility, shall provide each bidder witha notice in writing that a certificate of compliance is required tobe obtained, certifying that the vehicle complies with Part 5(commencing with Section 43000) of Division 26 of the Health andSafety Code, before the vehicle may be registered in this state,unless the vehicle is sold to a dealer or for the purpose of beingwrecked or dismantled or is sold exclusively for off-highway use.Prior to the sale of the vehicle, a public agency or public utilityshall remove the license plates from the vehicle and surrender themto the department. The purchaser of the vehicle shall be given abill of sale which includes, in addition to any other requiredinformation, the vehicle's last issued license plate number.24007.6. Except for vehicles sold to a dealer or for the purpose ofbeing wrecked or dismantled or sold exclusively for off-highway use,a salvage pool shall do both of the following: (a) Give the notice required by subdivisions (a) and (b) ofSection 5900. (b) Notify the buyer that California law requires that the buyerobtain a certificate of compliance or noncompliance and to registerthe vehicle with the department, and that failure to comply willresult in a lien against any vehicle owned by the buyer pursuant toSection 10876 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, enforceable pursuantto Section 10877 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and Article 6(commencing with Section 9800) of Chapter 6 of Division 3. Receiptof the notice required by this paragraph shall be evidenced by thesignature of the buyer.24008. It is unlawful to operate any passenger vehicle, orcommercial vehicle under 6,000 pounds, which has been modified fromthe original design so that any portion of the vehicle, other thanthe wheels, has less clearance from the surface of a level roadwaythan the clearance between the roadway and the lowermost portion ofany rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway.24008.5. (a) No person shall operate any motor vehicle with a frameheight or body floor height greater than specified in subdivisions(b) and (c). (b) The maximum frame height is as follows: Vehicle Type Frame Height (1) Passenger vehicles, except housecars ...................... 23 inches (2) All other motor vehicles, including housecars, as follows: Up to 4,500 pounds GVWR ........ 27 inches 4,501 to 7,500 pounds GVWR ..... 30 inches 7,501 to 10,000 pounds GVWR .... 31 inches (c) The lowest portion of the body floor shall not be more thanfive inches above the top of the frame. (d) The following definitions govern the construction of thissection: (1) "Frame" means the main longitudinal structural members of thechassis of the vehicle or, for vehicles with unitized bodyconstruction, the lowest main longitudinal structural members of thebody of the vehicle. (2) "Frame height" means the vertical distance between the groundand the lowest point on the frame, measured when the vehicle isunladen on a level surface at the lowest point on the frame midwaybetween the front axle and the second axle on the vehicle. (3) "GVWR" means the manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating,as defined in Section 390, whether or not the vehicle is modified byuse of parts not originally installed by the manufacturer.24009. No person shall sell or offer for sale a new motor truck,truck tractor, or bus that is not equipped with an identificationplate or marking bearing the manufacturer's name and the manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of such vehicle.24010. (a) No person engaged in the rental of any vehicle, forperiods of 30 days or less, shall rent, lease or otherwise allow theoperation of such vehicle unless all of the following requirementsare met: (1) All necessary equipment required by this code and regulationsadopted pursuant to this code for the operation of the vehicle upon ahighway has been provided or offered to the lessee for his or heruse. (2) The vehicle conforms to all applicable federal motor vehiclesafety standards established under the National Traffic and MotorVehicle Safety Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 1381 et seq.) and theregulations adopted under that act. (3) The vehicle is mechanically sound and safe to operate withinthe meaning of Section 24002. (b) In order to ensure compliance with this section, thedepartment may conduct periodic inspections, without prior notice, ofthe business premises of persons engaged in the rental of vehiclesfor periods of 30 days or less and of the vehicles themselves, forthe purpose of ascertaining that the vehicles are in compliance withthis section. Any vehicle which is found not in compliance shall notbe rented or leased until proof of full compliance with this sectionis made to the satisfaction of the department. (c) The contract or rental agreement shall include the name of theperson from whom the vehicle is rented, leased or obtained, theaddress of that person's place of business in this state where thevehicle is rented, leased, or delivered, and a statement of anyrequired equipment refused by the person to whom the vehicle isrented, leased, or delivered.24011. Whenever a federal motor vehicle safety standard isestablished under federal law (49 U.S.C. Sec. 30101 et seq.), nodealer shall sell or offer for sale a vehicle to which the standardis applicable, and no person shall sell or offer for sale for useupon a vehicle an item of equipment to which the standard isapplicable, unless: (a) The vehicle or equipment conforms to the applicable federalstandard. (b) The vehicle or equipment bears thereon a certification by themanufacturer or distributor that it complies with the applicablefederal standards. The certification may be in the form of a symbolprescribed in the federal standards or, if there is no federalsymbol, by a symbol acceptable to the department.24011.3. (a) Every manufacturer or importer of new passengervehicles for sale or lease in this state, shall affix to a window orthe windshield of the vehicle a notice with either of the followingstatements, whichever is appropriate: (1) "This vehicle is equipped with bumpers that can withstand animpact of 2.5 miles per hour with no damage to the vehicle's body andsafety systems, although the bumper and related components maysustain damage. The bumper system on this vehicle conforms to thecurrent federal bumper standard of 2.5 miles per hour. " (2) "This vehicle is equipped with a front bumper of a type thathas been tested at an impact speed of (here specify the appropriatenumber) miles per hour, and a rear bumper of a type that has beentested at an impact speed of (here specify the appropriate number)miles per hour, resulting in no damage to the vehicle's body andsafety systems and minimal damage to the bumper and attachmenthardware. "Minimal damage to the bumper' means minor cosmetic damagethat can be repaired with the use of common repair materials andwithout replacing any parts. The stronger the bumper, the less likelythe vehicle will require repair after a low-speed collision. Thisvehicle exceeds the current federal bumper standard of 2.5 miles perhour." (b) The impact speed required to be specified in the noticepursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) is the maximum speed ofimpact upon the bumper of the vehicle at which the vehicle sustainsno damage to the body and safety systems and only minimal damage tothe bumper when subjected to the fixed barrier and pendulum impacttests, and when subjected to the corner impact test at not less than60 percent of that maximum speed, conducted pursuant to Part 581 ofTitle 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (c) (1) Any manufacturer who willfully fails to affix the noticerequired by subdivision (a), or willfully misstates any informationin the notice, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fineof not more the five hundred dollars ($500). Each failure ormisstatement is a separate offense. (2) Any person who willfully defaces, alters, or removes thenotice required by subdivision (a) prior to delivery of the vehicle,to which the notice is required to be affixed, to the registeredowner or lessee is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable by afine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). Each willfuldefacement, alteration, or removal is a separate offense. (d) For purposes of this section: (1) "Manufacturer" is any person engaged in the manufacture orassembly of new passenger vehicles for distribution or sale, andincludes an importer of new passenger vehicles for distribution orsale and any person who acts for, or is under the control of, amanufacturer in connection with the distribution or sale of newpassenger vehicles. (2) "Passenger vehicle" means, notwithstanding Section 465, amotor vehicle subject to impact testing conducted pursuant to Part581 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (3) "No damage" means that, when a passenger vehicle is subjectedto impact testing, conducted pursuant to the conditions and testprocedures of Sections 581.6 and 581.7 of Part 581 of Title 49 of theCode of Federal Regulations, the vehicle sustains no damage to thebody and safety systems. (4) For purposes of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) andsubdivision (b), "minimal damage to the bumper and attachmenthardware" means damage that can be repaired with the use of commonrepair materials and without replacing any parts. In addition, notlater than 30 minutes after completion of each pendulum or barrierimpact test, the bumper face bar shall have no permanent deviationgreater than three-quarters of one inch from its original contour andposition relative to the vehicle frame and no permanent deviationgreater than three-eighths of one inch from its original contour onareas of contact with the barrier face or impact ridge of thependulum test device, measured from a straight line connecting thebumper contours adjoining the contact area. (e) The notice required by this section may be included in anynotice or label required by federal law to be affixed to a window orwindshield of the vehicle.24011.7. (a) Nothing in Chapter 20.4 (commencing with Section9889.50) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, shall beconstrued as having any effect on the existing inspection programconducted by the department. Rather, it is the intent of theLegislature that such program continue and that a cooperativerelationship between the department and the Department of ConsumerAffairs be established, under which the department can inform theDepartment of Consumer Affairs of the results and experiences of thedepartment in order to provide data on exhaust and noise emissioncontrol device tampering and performance deterioration followingmandatory inspections.24012. All lighting equipment or devices subject to requirementsestablished by the department shall comply with the engineeringrequirements and specifications, including mounting and aiminginstructions, determined and publicized by the department.24013. No new motor vehicle shall be sold unless the sellerprovides the buyer with a statement of the minimum octane number ofthe gasoline for such vehicle. As used in this section "octane number" means the octane number ofthe gasoline adopted by the Federal Trade Commission, and if theFederal Trade Commission does not adopt an octane number, then theAmerican Society for Testing Materials research octane number of thegasoline as defined by Section 20710 of the Business and ProfessionsCode.24013.5. (a) No dealer shall sell, offer for sale, or display forsale any new light duty truck with a manufacturer's gross vehicleweight rating of 8,500 pounds or less unless there is securelyaffixed to the windshield or side window of the light duty truck alabel on which the manufacturer has endorsed clearly, distinctly, andlegibly, true and correct entries disclosing the followinginformation concerning the light duty truck: (1) The make, model, and serial or identification number ornumbers. (2) The retail price of the light duty truck as suggested by themanufacturer. (3) The retail delivered price, as suggested by the manufacturer,for each accessory or item of optional equipment which is physicallyattached to the light duty truck at the time of its delivery to thedealer and which is not included within the price of the light dutytruck as stated pursuant to paragraph (2). (4) The amount charged, if any, to the dealer for thetransportation of the light duty truck to the location at which it isdelivered to the dealer. (5) The total of the amounts specified pursuant to paragraphs (2),(3), and (4). (b) Subdivision (a) applies to every light duty truck sold,offered for sale, or displayed in California which is manufactured onor after September 1, 1988.24014. (a) No dealer shall sell, offer for sale, or display, anynew, assembled motorcycle on its premises, unless there is securelyattached to its handlebar a label, approved by the Department ofMotor Vehicles, furnished by the manufacturer, on which themanufacturer shall clearly indicate the following: (1) The recommended retail price of the motorcycle. (2) The recommended price for each accessory or item of optionalequipment physically attached to the motorcycle at the time of itsdelivery to the dealer. (b) The dealer shall clearly indicate on the label, furnished bythe manufacturer, the following: (1) The amount charged, if any, over and above the suggestedretail price for transportation to the dealership. (2) The amount charged, if any, for the assembly, preparation, orboth, of the motorcycle. (3) The amount charged, if any, for each dealer added accessory oritem of optional equipment. (4) The total recommended retail price of the vehicle which shallbe the aggregate value of paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (a)and paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of subdivision (b).24015. (a) Motorized bicycles shall comply with those federal motorvehicle safety standards established under the National Traffic andMotor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C., Sec. 1381, et seq.)which are applicable to a motor-driven cycle, as that term is definedin such federal standards. Such standards include, but are notlimited to, provisions requiring a headlamp, taillamp, stoplamp, sideand rear reflex reflectors, and adequate brakes. (b) In addition to equipment required in subdivision (a), allmotorized bicycles operated upon a highway shall be equipped with amirror as required in subdivision (a) of Section 26709, a horn asrequired in Section 27000, and an adequate muffler as required insubdivision (a) of Section 27150. (c) Except as provided in subdivisions (a) and (b), none of theprovisions of this chapter relating to motorcycles and motor-drivencycles, as defined in this code, shall apply to a motorized bicycle.24016. (a) A motorized bicycle described in subdivision (b) ofSection 406 shall meet the following criteria: (1) Comply with the equipment and manufacturing requirements forbicycles adopted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (16 C.F.R.1512.1, et seq.) or the requirements adopted by the National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration (49 C.F.R. 571.1, et seq.) inaccordance with the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of1966 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 1381, et seq.) for motor driven cycles. (2) Operate in a manner so that the electric motor is disengagedor ceases to function when the brakes are applied, or operate in amanner such that the motor is engaged through a switch or mechanismthat, when released, will cause the electric motor to disengage orcease to function. (b) All of the following apply to a motorized bicycle described insubdivision (b) of Section 406: (1) No person shall operate a motorized bicycle unless the personis wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet that meetsthe standards described in Section 21212. (2) A person operating a motorized bicycle is subject to Sections21200 and 21200.5. (3) A person operating a motorized bicycle is not subject to theprovisions of this code relating to financial responsibility, driver's licenses, registration, and license plate requirements, and amotorized bicycle is not a motor vehicle. (4) A motorized bicycle shall only be operated by a person 16years of age or older. (5) Every manufacturer of a motorized bicycle shall certify thatit complies with the equipment and manufacturing requirements forbicycles adopted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (16 C.F.R.1512.1, et seq.). (c) No person shall tamper with or modify a motorized bicycledescribed in subdivision (b) of Section 406 so as to increase thespeed capability of the bicycle.24018. (a) Every transit bus operated by a motor carrier, whetherthat motor carrier is a private company or a public agency, thatprovides public transportation services shall be equipped with atwo-way communication device that enables the driver to contact themotor carrier in the event of an emergency. The two-waycommunication devices shall be maintained in good working order. (b) For the purposes of this section, "two-way communicationdevice" is a radio, cellular telephone, or other similar devicepermitting communication between the transit bus driver and personnelresponsible for the safety of operations of the motor carrier,including, but not limited to, the motor carrier's dispatcher. (c) This section does not apply to buses operated by a schooldistrict or on behalf of a school district. (d) The commissioner shall upon request grant a nonrenewable oneyear extension to any motor carrier to comply with the requirementsof this section. (e) Nothing in this section shall require a motor carrier toreplace an existing two-way communication device that currently meetsthe requirements of this section.Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. California may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources. 2ff7e9595c

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